A Step-By-Step Plan For Overcoming Jet Lag With Babies & Toddlers

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There’s nothing quite like landing in a new country after a long flight, only to be greeted by a crying baby or toddler.

Jet lag is real, and it can be tough to overcome – especially when trying to keep up with little ones. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. 

Here’s a step-by-step plan for overcoming jet lag with babies and toddlers in tow.

How do you deal with jet lag in toddlers?

Dealing with jet lag in toddlers can be difficult, and understandably so! Jet lag is hard enough to cope with as a grown-up, but children are even more severely affected by it.

Fortunately, there are some simple strategies that parents can employ to help their little ones adjust to the new time zone quickly. 

Firstly, it’s essential to try and adjust the bedtime routine before any travel takes place.

If a toddler has already had ample rest the night they arrive, they won’t be so tired upon arrival and thus won’t crash excessively when nighttime rolls around. 

Secondly, once at your destination, exposure to natural light helps a lot – take your toddler outside for as many daylight activities as you can and avoid bright lights during nighttime hours indoors. 

Lastly, reducing caffeinated beverages can also help lessen fatigue during daytime hours. By following these tips, you should find your little one quickly transitioning into the new place without much fuss.

What would be some effective ways to overcome jet lag?

Jet lag is one of the more difficult experiences we can have when traveling. It can often ruin a holiday or business trip before it’s barely begun. Thankfully, there are some savvy ways to lessen its impact. 

First off, it’s important to adjust to the time at your destination before you travel.

This means that days or weeks before takeoff, begin going to bed and waking up earlier or later by where you are headed. 

Secondly, increase exposure to light when you arrive – not only natural light but also light lamps throughout your room before sleeping and after waking up.

Additionally, keeping hydrated – not only during the flight but on landing as well – is crucial for combating jet lag symptoms. 

Finally, exercising is an effective way to beat tiredness and re-energize during long trips – even if just taking a walk around the block while en route!

All of these setups can help us get unstuck from the complications of jetlag and make the most out of our travels!

How do you break jet lag in babies?

It’s hard enough for adults to cope with jet lag, but it can be especially tough when dealing with babies who don’t understand why the middle of the night is suddenly their new morning.

The best way to tackle jet lag in a baby is to jump right into local time at your destination and stick to a schedule. Instead of sleeping during plane rides, take regular breaks for snacks – and pay attention to your baby’s cues when they’re ready for a nap. 

Be sure to expose them to light in the daytime and keep darker environments during evening hours.

Doing these things helps keep their body clocks in check so both you and your little traveler can feel well-rested on the other side of time travel!

How can I help my 4-year-old with jet lag?

Jet lag can be tough to deal with, especially at 4 years old. The key to helping your child is to plan ahead of time and try to ease their body into the new time zone gradually.

You can start by planning your departure date a few days in advance so that you and your family can get used to the new time a bit early. 

Additionally, make sure that when you arrive at the destination, you keep your little ones in light while they sleep.

This will encourage their bodies to adjust faster as well as inhibit their desire to stay awake in the nighttime hours.

Lastly, encourage daytime activities so your child is more likely to tire out for bedtime and acclimate faster!


When it comes to jet lag, no matter if you’re traveling with babies, toddlers, or older children, having a plan can make all the difference.

Even if your plan doesn’t go as expected, know that you have done your best and any disruptions will be just temporary.

With the right amount of preparation and planning—and a healthy dose of patience—you will be able to take on the challenge of helping babies and toddlers adjust to a new schedule and environment. 

Don’t forget to pack fun activities such as books, colors, and portable toys for the journey!

If you keep these tips in mind—and maybe practice them a few times before leaving—you should find yourself arriving at your destination relatively jet lag-free. Bon, voyage!

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Shane Douglas

Shane Douglas

After my second child was born I was set on finding the perfect crib mobile to give her that laughter that melts my heart :)
So now I just want to share my discoveries with you here.

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After my second child was born I was set on finding the perfect crib mobile to give her that laughter that melts my heart :)
So now I just want to share my discoveries with you here.

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