If you’re a parent, you know that getting your baby to sleep through the night can be a challenge. But did you know that sleeping on their side is the best position for your baby?
Here’s why…
At what age do babies turn on their side?
Babies typically start rolling to their sides around 4 to 5 months of age.
Rolling is a sign of huge milestone development for your little one and will help them gain physical strength and stability, so it’s pretty cool!
It’s important not to get too concerned if your little one hasn’t begun rolling by 4 months, as every baby develops differently. As they get stronger, they will get there soon enough!
Is it OK if the baby rolls onto the side when sleeping?
The adage of “back to sleep” has been the gold standard for infant sleeping arrangements since 1994, when a study showed that infants put to sleep on their backs had vastly lower levels of SIDS than those who slept in other positions.
Despite this, recent studies have suggested that it may be OK for babies to roll onto their sides while sleeping, provided they can access a supine position and do not get stuck in the side position.
Although there is debate about whether letting babies roll onto their side is completely safe yet or not, research suggests that both parents and healthcare providers should be reassured that it does not appear to increase SIDS risk.
That said, only parents know what’s best for their baby so ultimately it will depend on personal choice.
How do I stop my baby from sleeping on his side?
Keeping your baby safe in bed is a top priority for any parent, so it can be nerve-wracking when you realize your child has been sleeping on their side instead of their back.
The good news is that there are several methods you can employ to help encourage them to stay on their back while they sleep.
For starters, make sure the mattress is firmly placed against the crib wall, and fasten all fitted sheets securely to keep them from loosening during the night.
Utilizing pillows and wedges designed specifically for infants in the crib can help prevent rolling onto their sides as well.
Additionally, adding extra blankets or swaddling your infant at night can give them a sense of comfort and familiarity in the same spot.
Remember that keeping a consistent bedtime routine is key to promoting strong sleep habits in your little one!
What if my baby only sleeps on his side?
It can be incredibly frustrating when your baby will only sleep on his side instead of on his back. SIDS is a real risk, so your baby must sleep in the safest position possible.
If he’s used to sleeping on his side, it can be hard to get him to change. One thing you can do is gently place him back on his back when he stirs during the night and gradually this may help him become more comfortable with sleeping on his back.
During nap times and bedtime, ensure that your baby’s arms are tucked up close to his chest – this will make it harder for him to roll onto an unsafe position.
And if you’re breastfeeding, try feeding him standing or even walking around your home as this can help make Sleepy Time more difficult so hopefully it won’t be a battle each night!
Do babies sleep better on their side?
Have you ever noticed a baby sleeping peacefully while lying on his side? Even though it may look cute, the position of a baby sleeping can have an impact on their health and safety.
Studies have shown that babies who sleep face up are more likely to wake up safely, as this is fortunate for calming the nerves of parents.
However, despite the scares around not using other positions for babies when sleeping, researchers now suggest that placing them on their sides can be beneficial in preventing respiratory issues.
So if recommended by your pediatrician, do give side sleeping a try – it may help with keeping your newborn safe and healthy!
What do I do if my baby rolls to one side?
If your baby is rolling over to one side, it’s important to make sure they’re safe. Some parents opt to use pillows or small stuffed animals to provide a layer of protection and put them near the edge of the crib.
If that doesn’t work, it might be time to move your little one up into a toddler bed.
Make sure you purchase a bed with secure guard rails, though, so they don’t roll out at night! Whatever you choose, it’s important to ensure your baby is always safe when sleeping or lying down in their bed.
Conclusion: Baby Sleeping on His Side
If your baby is having trouble sleeping, experiment with different positions to see if side-sleeping helps.
Though there are benefits and drawbacks to all sleeping positions, side-sleeping may help your baby stay cool and comfortable throughout the night.
Give it a try – you (and your little one) might just be surprised at the results!