Early Morning Baby Wakings and How to Stop

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If you have a baby, chances are good that you’re familiar with early morning wakings.

Those early hours can be tough for both parents and baby! But there are ways to help your little one (and yourself) sleep better through the night. 

In this post, we’ll share some tips on how to stop early morning baby wakings. Read on for more!

What causes early morning wakings in babies?

Early morning wakings in babies can be caused by several different things. Factors like hunger, uncomfortable clothing, overheating, or light from outdoor sources can all lead to babies waking up early and too early in the morning.

Other times it might simply be that they haven’t developed their circadian rhythm. 

Whatever the cause, getting a good night’s rest and making sure your infant is comfortable and well-fed before bed are two easy steps that can help ensure a sounder sleep with fewer unexpected early mornings.

Why do babies wake from 4 to 6am?

For parents of newborns, the 4 am-6 am time frame can be an all too familiar frustration. You may find yourself wondering why babies wake up at this time each night!

The answer lies in our biological clocks – during the early morning hours, most adults and babies experience a natural dip in body temperature, spiking up the need to urinate or eat.

This internal clock is known as the Circadian Rhythm, and it often rears its head between 4 am and 6 am. 

That being said, it may take some trial and error to learn what works best for your baby to help them get “on schedule” and stay asleep until a more reasonable hour.

How do I stop my baby from waking up at 5 am?

Trying to find ways to stop your baby from waking up at 5 am? First of all, don’t stress, you’re not alone in this! It can certainly be a challenge but there are a few things worth trying.

One of the simplest is gradually adjusting their bedtime in increments of 15-30 minutes so that when they wake up in the morning, it’s closer to their desired wake-up time. 

Also, try to keep the same nap times and the number of naps they take during the day so as not to disturb their natural sleep cycle.

Lastly, ensure your little one won’t be too stimulated or feel too hot or cold once they drift off, and make sure you establish a nighttime routine that will allow for plenty of restful sleep.

With a few tweaks, hopefully, these strategies will help wave goodbye to those early mornings!

How do I get my child to sleep back at 5 am?

If you’re having trouble getting your child to sleep at 5 am, it’s ok – you’re not alone! Many parents experience difficulty in developing a healthy sleep schedule for their children.

One of the best ways to start is by identifying what may be contributing to late bedtimes and then coming up with simple solutions that are specific to your family.

Start by giving your child a consistent bedtime routine, such as taking baths, reading stories, and going through a relaxation ritual before they go to sleep. 

Preemptively turn off devices an hour before the targeted bedtime so they won’t be tempted to stay up late.

You can also introduce calming activities like stretching or breathing exercises into their nights so they can learn how to relax better when it’s time for bed.

With consistency and dedication, you’ll achieve success in getting your little one back on track with their sleep!

How do I get my child to sleep later than 5 am?

Teaching your child to sleep later than 5 am can seem like a daunting task, especially when they have developed a habit of waking up too early.

However, with the right strategy and some patience, it is possible to help your child maintain a healthy sleeping routine.

Start by establishing a consistent bedtime for them, making sure that their bedroom environment is comfortable and dark enough for sleep. 

Also, try not to keep your child stimulated with activities close to bedtime or allow them too much time in front of screens before going to sleep – this may make falling asleep more difficult for them.

Offer gentle but firm guidance if your child rises early, using distraction techniques as necessary. Over time, these simple tips are likely to get your child used to rising later in the morning!

Does crying it out work for early morning wakings?

If you’re a parent who has wondered if letting your baby “cry it out” for early morning wakings is a good option, you’re not alone!

It can be hard to know what to do when faced with inconsistent sleep patterns in infants, but setting clear boundaries and allowing for some self-soothing can make all the difference. 

Crying it out does take patience and commitment from parents, but with consistency and proper guidance from medical professionals, this technique may provide a long-lasting solution for consistent sleep habits.

Before trying this method, however, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons to decide if crying it out is right for your family.


In closing, dealing with early morning wakings can be a difficult task. However, if parents are proactive and consistent in their approach, they have the power to ensure that their baby gets a good night’s sleep.

Establishing a healthy sleep schedule, creating a comfortable sleeping environment, and introducing calming activities into their nights can help set them up for success. 

Additionally, parents may also want to consider whether or not the cry-it-out method is right for them. With patience and dedication, your little one will hopefully wave goodbye to those early mornings soon!

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Shane Douglas

Shane Douglas

After my second child was born I was set on finding the perfect crib mobile to give her that laughter that melts my heart :)
So now I just want to share my discoveries with you here.

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After my second child was born I was set on finding the perfect crib mobile to give her that laughter that melts my heart :)
So now I just want to share my discoveries with you here.

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