While there is no definitive answer, many parents find that the ideal spot to hang a crib mobile is just above and slightly to the side of the baby’s head, at a level where they can easily see it.
This way, the mobile becomes part of the baby’s environment, something to look at and enjoy during wakeful periods.
Another popular option is to place the mobile on a wall near the crib at a height where the baby can see it while lying down.
This can be a good choice if you’re worried about the mobile being within reach of little hands (although most modern mobiles have been designed with safety in mind and have long cords that keep them well out of reach).
Finally, some parents place the mobile on a shelf or other piece of furniture near the crib at a level where the baby can see it while seated or standing.
This can be a good option if you have limited space in your nursery, as it frees up the wall or ceiling above the crib for other decorations.
Whichever option you choose, ensure that the mobile is securely attached and that there are no loose parts that could pose a choking hazard.
Also, be sure to remove the mobile from the crib when your baby is old enough to sit up or stand, as they may be able to reach it and pull it down.
Where Should You Position a Baby’s Mobile?
As you shop for a baby mobile, you’ll want to keep in mind where you’ll be placing it. A mobile should never be placed directly above a crib.
The AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) recommends keeping mobiles at least 12 inches from your baby’s face to prevent accidents.
You’ll also want to make sure the mobile is securely fastened, so it doesn’t fall and hurt your little one. If you have any questions about where to place your baby’s mobile, consult with your pediatrician.
Can You Put a Crib Mobile on a Bassinet?
While you may be tempted to put a crib mobile on a bassinet, it’s essential to know that doing so can be dangerous.
Crib mobiles are designed to be hung above the crib, well out of your baby’s reach. If you hang mobile from a bassinet, your baby will likely be able to reach it and pull it down, which could cause serious injury.
So, while it may seem like a good idea to put a crib mobile on a bassinet, it’s not worth the risk.
Instead, it’s better to wait until your baby is old enough for a traditional crib before introducing a mobile into their sleep space.
Should I Hang the Mobile From the Ceiling or the Crib?
Some parents choose to hang their mobile from the ceiling, while others prefer to attach it to the side of the crib. Of course, both methods have pros and cons, so it’s really up to you which one you like.
Hanging the mobile from the ceiling can give your baby a better view of the mobile and make it more engaging, but it also means that there’s a greater risk of your baby being able to pull it down.
If you do opt to hang your mobile from the ceiling, be sure to use a secure method to prevent it from falling if your baby manages to pull on it.
Attaching the mobile to the side of the crib is a bit safer, as your baby won’t be able to pull it down as easily, but it can be more difficult for your baby to see. Ultimately, it’s up to you which method you prefer.
When Should I Take the Mobile Down?
Most parents take the mobile down when their baby is between 4 and 6 months old. At this age, babies are starting to sit up on their own and can also begin to pull themselves up to stand.
This means that there’s a greater risk of your baby being able to reach the mobile and pull it down, so it’s best to take it down before this happens.
Additionally, many babies lose interest in mobiles around this age, so there’s no need to keep it up once your baby has outgrown it.
If you’re unsure when to take the mobile down, just watch your baby and see when they seem to lose interest in it.